Chapter 3: Casbael Temple
Another week flew by, wow… I can’t believe it’s the end of May >.< I really don't have much to say this week, not a whole lot going on (That I can talk about >.>’) So to future more exciting weeks!
Have a great day, and enjoy the comic
Whoa… I’m as shocked as belle is, that place is massive!
It’s one of the bigger Temples of Casbael
still not the biggest.
I’m with Kion and Belle! And the beauty! Too bad I’m not moving there!
This will be my last week of regular posting. Where I’m moving to has slower than dial-up (no more WoW *cry*) and my wireless decided to die on me so I have plug in. I’ll check in though as often as possible!
Bye Sesshy, I hope to see you again, we’ve really enjoyed having you post every week!
Okay i’ll move into there, as long as there are servants and such!
this is just amazing, man i’d love to see what the other temples look like!
lol, in due time Tember 😀