Chapter 3: Caught in the Act
Hey everyone! Glad this past weekend is finally over ~.~ work has been busy. Makes it tough to keep motivation up on everything. But! It’s no concern because we got the page done without issue! Also… Also, I guess I’ll announce it now, since I meant to get it done last week. But this will work also:
Do you remember when I took the poll about if you were interested in a Teaser? Well, there was a reason that seemingly got forgotten. I hadn’t forgotten you see- But I wasn’t sure how I wanted to do it for so long. Finally about a month ago I got un-lazy and looked further into it. I present to you Flycoren: Kausim Trailer!
Make sure you watch in HD, otherwise it’s blurry! D:
Watch, enjoy- and hope I don’t disappoint.
They are also available for Pre-Order! Click below to reserve a copy today!

At long last, after all this time we have finally got ourselves into the printing. They have turned out beautiful, Mana and I are so thrilled to finally bring this to you guys, you have no idea.
Kion, Tember and Sesshy- Since we don’t really have a way to thank you for your support properly, or a way to contact you other than through the site for that matter I would really love for you to email me: andrew (at) – I would like to thank to you three personally :)- I hope to hear from you.
It’s guna b awesome, so excited for this comic
We are to! We can’t wait. Kion, I have a favor to ask of you. Please Email me (my email is just above) I would like to talk to you, if you don’t mind :).