Chapter 3: Hooky
Helloooo, how are you this week?
Guess What, Guess what? Today is our 100th Page! (Well… technically not…) But since we redid the first Chapter, it is our official 100th page! And for this special occasion we have something special for you. Go on over and vote to see.
We are almost in the top 200! That’s awesome guys, we really appreciate the support. It helps immensely and makes us feel great also :D. Keep voting every day and help us reach the next level, if we do, something else may be in store. :3 The higher we climb (You guys are part of the team also!), the cooler the things we will do!
Well back to work, fervently preparing more Flycoren stuff as we speak fufufufu.
Time for Cameo to come in and beat up those no-goods for Az! It’s only the right thing for a frenemy to do…right?
hahahah, Cameo could totally take them.
Smack down time!
Dood! That incentive is such a tease, I want to know who they are now!
I’m just as antsy as you, I want you to know who they are also :3
Aw man, bullies! And they seem like smart bullies thats just cruel, poor az nothing wrong with being home schooled!
ooooo i know who the female is on the incentive but the guy, he looks WICKED COOL!
I knooooowww, I want him in the comic already u_u
With great incentives, comes great rankings! Doing fantastic guys! And yes, now this week we have 4 new characters to be drooling over, 2 bullies, and 2 unknowns (at least, to me they are)! Should be exciting to see what happens next! I can’t wait!
this comic makes my day
lol, very glad to hear that