Good Day all! Hope things are fantastic as always! Not much in the way of words in this weeks comic strip, only knives flailing around, and such! hope that’s okay ._.

Mana and I have been tinkering around with things here and there, trying out new concepts, and we’d like to share some of those things with you this week. Below is just a sample of what I would call a Pilot-sode of a possible Podcast we would like to start. We enjoyed it, even if it wasn’t the most professional thing one may listen to.

For the most part we want to talk about the World of Flycoren and delve deeper into the world as a whole, talking about characters, places, creatures, what ever may be of interest to all of you. So I encourage you to leave a comment below, let us know what you want to know about Flycoren! We’d love to hear your thoughts, with practice we hope to get better :).

Give us a listen!
