Chapter 4: Natural Instinct
I’ve been waiting so long for some action comics, I’m in bliss :’D
Already into the second week of December o___o’ what’s happening with time? Mana and I’s son just turned 4 years old yesterday. I can’t believe it. holy moly. At this rate we’re going to get really old really fast >.<‘
But I have to say, I’m kind of boring this week! Between Christmas Shopping and our Son’s Bday things have been so hectic that we haven’t been as active on Flycoren as normal. Though, we are changing up our routine a bit, which seems to make things more efficient, and gives more time to be detailed and such.
Has anyone seen Rise of the Guardians? Looks pretty awesome, haven’t had a chance to go see it yet. o___O
Look at Rayo go, being all ownage and fantastic! Arrows are nothing to him
They are like butter Arrows, or something
Arrows hah! Rayo cuts through those like wet paper! So enjoying the fight scenes and can’t wait to see more
I’m glad you approve!