Chapter 5: Everything Checks Out
Man, this week flew! I can’t believe that ~.~’
I really don’t have much interesting to say this week, so instead just listen to our podcast. It’s much more interesting.
This weeks topic, RANDOM! well… kinda. We talk about our inspirations and how Flycoren began!
Finally got some decent web *Yay! :D*
I am officially 6 out of a bajillion comics up-to-date lol
No cookies/pies/brownies/etc today. But I do have some glorified rice. It’s a mixture of white rice, mixed canned fruit, and cool whip. If you haven’t tried it, you should.
Sounds like Cherry Fluff almost, omg thats so good. Instead of random fruit is rice, with whipping cream and cherries. Or i use pineapple too, its fantastic!
Its so awesome to have you back Sesshy, how we missed you!
It could be the same thing. It’s something my father-in-law showed me how to make. My husband just loves the stuff (I don’t blame him lol).
It’s nice to be back, and missed
now i think i have to make some, lucky for me Andrew isnt like your hubby. he dont like it lol More for me!
yes you were very greatly missed and we love having you back!
Two weeks and her ribs are better wow. Jukins must heal really fast
hehe, there’s reason behind it. You will learn my friend.
I like how there outfits change, it really helps set a timeline for how long its been in my mind. Its a nice change of pace from other webcomics that just keep them the same throughout the entire series!
That’s one thing that has always been important to Mana and I as well. Avatar: The Last Air Bender has a similar effect where they change through out the series. It will be just like that in Flycoren. Even their hair is planned to change etc. throughout the series :).
Bwhahahahahaha!!! Haaaa……
They SO wanna be useful!
They tried their best *nods* lol