Chapter 6: Hold Still
Whoa… So, you have to be eternally grateful to Mana this week guys. She almost did the whole comic this week. Minus the background in the first Comic. My Computer bit the dust on Friday and I have been hooped out of being able to do anything for the past four days. Mana let me borrow her computer so I could finish the one BG and get the comic uploaded, so you would still get a strip this week! The BG is MUUCH different than I usually do, so I apologize. Without my normal brushes / textures / fonts and overall settings, I was way out of my normal zone of work. I did the best with what I could, and Mana picked up the rest of the slack for me <3. Hopefully everything will be back to normal next week, since I had news to announce. But I'll have to postpone that, sorry guys! Once I'm operational we'll get things back to 'normal'. Thanks, have a great week!
Actually the BG wasn’t too bad. I didn’t even notice the diff until you mentioned it lol!
Question? Is Saiyen Sumo Man pullin’ up his drawers because his Kame Hame Haa blew them down instead of offing Cyprian? Or is his hand just conveniently drawn making it look that way? Either way now would be an awesome time for my Kujial to drop in and lend a paw (wink wink). Yeah yeah, I know. Not yet. I’m still anxiously awaiting here debut!
One more thing. Was super excited to see Two Kinds banner on your site this morning! Love that webcomic!
A little of column A and a little of column B for his shorts! lmao, it’s funny cause it does look like he is holding up his britches. Shouldn’t have over exerted himself *snort*
I’ve got the picture half done! She’ll exist lol, it’s just taking a bit of time. Finally W00T for twokinds, its also one of my webcomics that i read too. So vivid and Tom is pretty darn cool too
I’m loving the story so far. I just found this little gem last week, and have finaly gotten time to read up.
So glad you’re liking it. We hope to see you around more, thank you for leaving a comment!
Man that sucks but the comic looks as great as usual! Way to go Mana! Can I borrow your wife, Elginive? I think I could use some help too, like yard work!
I do not go out on loans lol, you’ll just have to bite the bullet Kion and pick up a rake X3