Chapter 6: Leave You Behind?
Isn’t Rayo just wonderfully awesome? So is Cyprain to though 😛 they are both just epic. But maybe I’m bias.
So, I guess I should announce something else this week. Volume II of our comic coming out Dec. 1st is pretty big news! And we are extremely excited for it. If you missed last weeks post, you can find some info on the comic somewhere ’round these parts. Right Here. Yep… Right Here.
But Mana and I also participated in something else very special. And maybe you’ve heard about it before. And maybe you haven’t. So that is my job, to let you know about it. Many Webcomic artists have band together this year to bring to you Comic Creators for Freedom– A charity based around human trafficking, and helping to fund a very specific charity dedicated towards putting an end to such monstrosities. And I’d like to ask you, as our reader- to help support this cause by giving a donation between Dec. 2-14th 2013- in return not only will you receive a Wallpaper (which has a very horrible “School Photo” of Az, I might add)- but know it has all gone to a good cause.
So For the next Month or so I will leave a image link (like the one below this) In our Affiliates area, just to the left of this Blog. And I will be happy to remind you once the Charity run begins. We really do appreciate the support, and I look forward to your thoughts on the horrible fate I have put Az through. He’s just overall fun to torment, really.

Thanks everyone, have a great week!
Is it a bad thing that I find Rayo incredibly cute? And not in the Kawaii way either.
He is one sexy beast! Rawr
Badass! Rayo rocks, Balindro is never going to get away!