Chapter 6: No Easy Fight
Ahhhhhh, It’s so hard to draw fight scenes, only because I want to cram a million things into one page, and I don’t want them to seem boring because there’s so little talking, and since we only update once a week, it feels like it slows the progress of the story. But. Fight. Scenes. Are. Cool. At least I think so. So instead I distract you with shiny pages with lotsa flashy things.
Still way into pokemon at the moment. So I’m not working as much as I should be on Flycoren related things, But I better get as much of this game out of my system now, as I have a whole week off coming up dedicated to Flycoren, it is all I am going to be working on. And if that makes you curious, I am glad it does so Since it’s all for you, in the end.
But I have a question for you, if you are currently playing the new Pokemon Game, who is your favorite 6th gen pokemon? They didn’t go crazy with making new pokemon this time around, and I’m stoked about that. I think my favorite new one is Vivillion, the butterfly pokemon. I like it because it’s wings are different designs and colors depending on where you live in the world. That’s such a unique idea. I love it.
Have a good week!
Fave 6th gen pkmn? Hmmm gotta say talonflame. Fire flying yeah I’m on that
If it counts, Mega Lucario, if not, Delphox. Always been a fan of psychics and fire psychics are Sp. Atk beasts.
I haven’t gotten a chance to play the new Pokemon yet or even check out the new 6th gen critters
Come tax time though I am so getting my purple 3ds and Pokemon X. That legendary deer-like pokemon just looks bad ass!
So how’s my little Kujial coming along? I’m still super psyched and anxiously awaiting a preview of what she’s gonna look like xD