Chapter 6: Old Man
Two very large announcements today!
Today is the kick off for the Comic Creators for Freedom Charity! Please help us show our support by donating today! In Return you will receive a Wallpaper with really bad school photos of characters from all sorts of Webcomics. Not to mention Az is in there (and I was not very kind to him). Our Goal is to raise $5000.00 this year, and with the amount of participation, if each comic is able to raise $50.00 we will be able to achieve this!
So I ask for your help in this, what ever you are able to spare- to see us achieve our goal for such a good cause, ending human trafficking. To get more details, or to donate, click the link below!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
And though it’s sort of odd timing, Flycoren: Kausim Volume 2 came out yesterday! We are very excited to see ourselves moving along the path of productivity. We still have many things to learn, and to get better at. But I feel like in the last year we’ve come a long way. There are still many more things I would like to have accomplished. But I guess in this life of ours, baby steps are better than none. We have tried our best to make a product worth your money, and I feel even more strongly that we have done just that this year. 100 pages of full color content! Wow, it really adds up over time, doesn’t it? if you want more info, or to purchase it, just head on over to our store. (Or click the big link below this blog).
The one draw back that I feel like I have to overcome is the shipping for anyone who is looking to order online. Since many of you live in the US, I want to setup the IndyPlanet shop properly so you can save on shipping, since the comic is print in the US anyways. I will give updates once I’ve set this properly so that if you are looking to get one you will be getting the best value possible. We really appreciate your support, and know that any comics you buy go a long way in helping us continue this comic and hopefully one day achieving our dream of doing it full time! And this sort of support means more than the world to us. So thank you, for all of you reading each week.
Second volume ftw. Could be an Xmas present for myself
Tha’ts the spirit! lol 😀
there seems to be a layout problem with this page if you open it with firefox
(it happens with internet-explorer too, but there it becomes normal after 4-10 sec)
by that i mean what is normaly below the page is blocking now blocking the view
I very much appreciate the comment. This problem actually occurs when people have Ad Blocker on. It’s a problem when the Project Wonderful Ads don’t load and it destroys the site layout. I have yet to work around this- I apologize that this has caused your viewing to be less that desirable.
thank you (adblock deactivated, problem gone)
that it was adblock was actually quite surprising (shouldn’t be doing that)
i use adblock manually, only blocking adds if they bother me, and chosing which to block my self (all with ton, drastic increase in loading time and disrupting sites … and extendable face book like buttons)
Nice new layout! Sure it loaded a little funny with firefox at 1st (as mentioned above), but it’s still pretty!
Also, I became an Aunt yesterday! My not so much a baby anymore Sis had her very 1st child, a baby girl weighing in at 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. She was named (and predicted) by my little 5 year old boy lol when my sis was only 3 months along. “Aunt Amy is gonna have a Girl and her name IS gonna be Oliva!”. The way it was said, it was a statement that he would not have questioned lol.
(apparently the layout is our own fault [adblock])
Congrats Sesshy! My sister in law just had her second not that long ago also 😛
./` Lean on me, Balindro’s a doooong,
I’ll be you’re friend, I’ll help you caaaarry oooon
Just call fat boy flubber, when you need a friend
We all need somebody, to leeeaaan oooon./`
emphasis on Dong 😛