Chapter 7: What’s Going On?
Well! The last update of the year… moving onto 2015. This year went so fast, I can’t believe it. There was a lot I wanted to accomplish this year, and though I admit I’m nowhere near where I wanted us to be, I’ve learned a lot- and I hope I can apply it in this upcoming year. There are so many things I want to get done that I really need to focus on the right things and get some stuff accomplished. I was very scatterbrained this year, too many ideas and too many things I wanted to do!
I hope this year we can continue to produce high quality comics for you, and really finally start digging into this story. I feel like we’ve hardly even touched the tip of the iceberg with Kausim. If Kausim we an anime/cartoon we would have only just watched the first 2 or 3 episodes, if that puts it into perspective for you.
One thing I will say, if you’re interested in seeing more, and you haven’t already, I suggest you like our Facebook Page! We link lotsa cool things, and you get to see a lot more of the daily goings-on with Retro-Dragon and Flycoren as a whole.
A great 2014! Here’s to an even better 2015!
So I finally got a chance to do some catching up! Saw my pretty little Kujial TWICE (WOOT!). I get to come in to town and use Burger King interwebs once a week when I’m waiting around for hubby to get out of work. Have to take the oldest for allergy shots now so we decided to make a day of things after school on that one day. Means I can stay caught up for a while anyway. FYI, my OC is a terrible cook lol, but that’s ok.She’s more of the kick butt and ask questions later type. Guess she picked the right place to live lol.
Have a happy 2015!
Well, it certainly is very nice to see you again Sesshy- I hope you’ve had a good year
Don’t be a stranger if you’re around! lol, Az is a horrible cook also- so I’m sure they would relate very well that way. 😛 And Windin’ can be a tough place to live for sure, a lot of sketchy types travel through! Have a great New Year!
Not that I’ve tried to be a stranger, that’s for sure! Just lack of web access and now even phone access has made it pretty hard to check in. For the time being I can for certain make it to town once a week for the next 5-6 months. After that the schedule is due to change for the 6 months after. But the poor kid needs his shots. Not that he enjoys them lol.